Dateline: January 24th, 2004
Kurt & Sam find out that they are pregnant with their second child!!!
Dateline: January 24th, 2004
Kurt & Sam find out that they are pregnant with their second child!!!
Dateline: September 4th, 2002
Elijah William Leucht is born via scheduled C-Section at 12:35pm!!! He weighs 10 lbs 14 ozs and is 21 inches long. Wow, that’s big!!! Mom and Dad and Elijah are all doing wonderfully! Go to the Baby Pages for more info and photos!!!
Dateline: August 24th, 2002
Our “official” due date comes and goes. No signs of anything special happening yet. We’ll visit the doctor on Monday again if we haven’t already delivered the baby this weekend.
Dateline: December 21st, 2001
Kurt & Sam find out that they are pregnant with their first child!!!
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