Oh boy. You’ve put it off and now only one week of shopping remains. Here is my best advise for those of you who have a geek to shop for. Just click on one of these ad banners below and shop away. Trust me … geeks love this sort of stuff in their stockings.
Get some awesome geek clothes from Super Hero Stuff! If you buy something from Super Hero Stuff, type in the coupon code HOLIDAY12BONUS for 12% off everything you buy! Holy Super Hero Savings, Batman!
You can get some truly awesome and amazing geek gifts and accessories from Think Geek! Think Geek thinks of absolutely everything that your resident geek might be longing for this year … including Death Star ice cubes, Star Trek pizza cutter, Bazinga t-shirt, retro super hero drinking glasses (no longer offered), the Zombie Survival Guide book, soft headphones that you can sleep in, the Etch A Sketch iPad case (no longer offered), and even bacon lip balm (no longer offered)!
May the force be with you.