So I lost 14 pounds in 8 weeks recently.
That’s very close to 2 pounds each week, which is a good healthy amount of weight to lose, if that’s what you’re going for.
Here is my entire year’s worth of Monday morning weigh-ins. Click to see the full resolution image. You can see that I went down and then up and then down again this year. I hope to be more stable than that in 2016. And I think I might know how.

The yellow highlighted section is the 8 week time period where I lost those 14 pounds. You can see that it was very nearly a straight diagonal line for the entire 8 weeks, as opposed to a whole bunch of water weight loss at the beginning with less loss at the end.
So what was my secret for this weight loss?
Well, at least part of it was due to me not eating anything with wheat in it. And I also tried my hardest to avoid added or processed sugar.
Here is the whole story with some excruciating details if you have some time to kill.

Not a diet
Back in September, a person that I look up to told me about his “strange” eating habits and he also told me exactly why he took up those habits. He said that if I tried these habits the fat would just melt off me.
He was not proposing a diet. He was proposing a different manner of eating. No calorie counting. No exercising. Just five simple rules. Five things to avoid … avoid like the plague.
At the time I was skeptical. But not anymore. There really is something to this.
The rules
The rules are actually pretty simple to remember … but aren’t always super simple to practice in this day and age:
- don’t eat wheat
- don’t eat flour
- don’t eat rice
- don’t eat corn
- don’t eat sugar unless it’s naturally occurring, like in fruits

Wheat and other grains
So you may have noticed the huge popularity of the gluten free movement recently. Most of the gluten free camp believes that genetically modified wheat is basically slowly poisoning us all. They claim that our digestive system doesn’t fully process this wheat. They claim that it is a pro-inflammatory agent to our body’s cells. And they attribute all manner of diseases and sicknesses to the wheat and gluten in our supposedly natural and supposedly healthy diets. Most wheat haters also dislike barley, oats, and rye for all the same reasons.

Most flours are made from wheat, but they contain very little nutritional value … even after being enriched with vitamins and minerals. So the people who are against wheat are even more aggressive in their hatred of flour.

Although rice is not claimed to be as bad for us as wheat and the other grains, it is suggested by all manner of nutritionists to try and minimize it in your diet. Rice … especially white rice … has very little nutritional value so filling up on it is not really going to be very good for your overall nutritional well being.

Most people think corn is a vegetable, but it’s actually a grain. And yes, grains are bad for us as I explained earlier. The corn we eat today is highly genetically modified, just like the wheat. And our bodies aren’t super great at processing corn either. And everybody already knows about the high starch and sugar issue with corn.

Well, sugar has always been the enemy, so that’s a no brainer. Naturally occurring sugar is probably not going to hurt us too much. But the problem is that we eat the non-naturally-occurring kind of sugar. The processed crystals that we add to almost everything. We eat a lot of processed sugar.
And we drink a lot of it too. If you are addicted to sugary drinks, please please please try to wean yourself off of them. It won’t be easy. It won’t be quick. It’s a full blown addiction. You will get headaches. You will crave them. You will go into withdrawals. But if you drink one 12 ounce soda each day, you are increasing your risk of diabetes by about 25%. If you drink only one soda per week, I will not nag you about it. But if you drink several or more per week, then you are very likely causing your body harm.
Many sugar haters go as far as to say that processed sugar either causes cancer or feeds it. Whether that turns out to be the case or not, you have to agree that naturally occurring sugar is probably better for your body than artificially created and processed versions. Right?

No, no, no? So what CAN I actually eat?
Basically grain is the enemy. Well, grain and sugar. If you strictly cut off grains and added or processed sugar items from your menu, you will lose weight. Even without exercise.
Fat is NOT the enemy, so don’t worry about fat free or low fat foods. Calories are not even the enemy. There is absolutely no need to count calories. Just eat a reasonable portion and then eat again when you get hungry again. Don’t eat just because it’s time to eat. Eat because you are hungry. That’s good advise for anyone. Not just people who are trying to lose weight.
Eat all kinds of oils and fats without worry. Eat all manner of meats (red, poultry, pork, fish, shellfish), eggs, vegetables (fresh or frozen), leafy greens, fruits, nuts, seeds, berries, beans, legumes, oils (olive, coconut, avocado), butter, almond butter, honey, mushrooms, dairy, toppings, condiments, etc.
This plan is in the same vein as the “hunter/gatherer” diets that are popular, like the Paleo Diet, but not nearly as strict. For example, there is no restriction on dairy like in the strict Paleo Diet.

I get it. It’s hard to avoid breads and chips. Those things are everywhere!
I ate a lot of meat and cheese and mushroom omelette and scrambled egg dishes for breakfast during the 8 weeks that I was being strict and trying to lose some weight. But fruit smoothies are also a good idea or a nice change from the eggs. Flour-free banana pancakes are difficult to make without burning them, but they are a super tasty treat.
Here are a handful of lunch and dinner ideas. Taco salad without the chips. Any type of salad with meat on top. Avocados on top of just about anything … salad, meat and cheese, etc. Baked or grilled fish fillet with spices or blackened. Marinated chicken breast or pork chops or steak with toppings such as mushrooms, peppers, onions, avocados, cheese, sun dried tomato, etc. Cook any meat in wine. Add jerk or blackened spices to any meat. Soups. Dips without the chips. Zucchini with lemon juice and spices. Polish sausage or brats with sauerkraut. Eat any manner of sandwich wraps and soft tacos, but eat them with a knife and fork and leave the tortilla shell behind. If you want a juicy burger, load it up with toppings and condiments and eat it with a fork and knife and leave the bun behind.
Now what?
Since I lost the weight that I wanted to lose and I’m now at what I believe to be my ideal weight, I’m adding in occasional suger and occasional wheat and other grains. But I will try to minimize my sugar intake and my wheat intake with the hope that I will maintain this weight over the long term.
I will provide an update to this post when the jury has reached a verdict on the long term viability of this plan.
Thanks for reading this article and thanks for your interest.