Delivery of Things World
Last week I had the honor of giving the opening keynote presentation at the Delivery of Things World enterprise software developer conference in Berlin Germany! Enterprise software is just another way to say business software.

Here is the Delivery of Things World conference website! (Check it out! It actually has my face on it!)

Delivery of Things World is a 2 day conference for enterprise software developers. During those 2 days, Delivery of Things World packed in 7 separate keynotes, 27 technical sessions, and many interactive and intimate group workshop sessions! It was a pretty great event and the organizers were very professional and they did a wonderful job!
The Delivery of Things World organizers feel strongly enough about using only live speakers, that they pay for their airfare, hotel, and food.
My keynote presentation is story-based and it is called “Pioneering Mars!” It presents the story of how we will get to Mars in the year 2034. It describes all the missions that will pave the way and all the technologies that have to be invented first.

My keynote presentation was very well received and I got a ton of compliments and attendees lined up afterwards to talk to me and to ask me more questions.
Science Center & Planetarium
While I was in Berlin, I also gave two other shorter presentations on the topic of NASA’s plans to live off the land on Mars. I gave the first presentation to a small audience of about 20 junior high and high school aged students at the Science Center Spectrum. The students in attendance were very interested in the topic and they asked a lot of great questions afterwards.

I gave the second presentation to an audience of about 100 members of the general public at the Planetarium am Insulaner. It’s pretty cool to give a presentation inside the large dome of a planetarium! It was kinda dark in there, so I don’t have any photos. But it was a pretty great experience! This particular audience asked so many great questions that we went way past our scheduled time of one hour and had to actually cut off questions after more than 2 hours had elapsed!
This trip was only the third time I’d ever left the United States. It was a pretty great trip and I had a lot of fun! In my next post, I will talk about the sightseeing I was able to do in Berlin during my personal time there!
Thanks for your interest!