Tag Archives: safety

Safety tip: Portable Air Compressor For Your Vehicle

My initial safety tip would be to notice as soon as one of your tires starts to get low and do not ignore it or think to yourself that you will fix it later.  For me, when I do that I tend to forget for a couple of days and then I’m in real trouble the next time I notice that my tire is low.  By then it is really really low.  Lucky for me, I have a mini air compressor in my trunk that plugs into my cars 12 volt jack.


The mini air compressor I use is a Slime brand tire inflater with LED light.  I bought it from my local auto parts store (Auto Zone).  The LED light comes in quite handy in a dark parking lot and is probably even more handy on a dark country road.  You definitely need to get one of these little babies for each of your vehicles.  This particular model is only 10 bucks, which is very cheap for the peace of mind that it buys you.



Update 1: This particular device will only save you if you have a very slow leak.  If you end up with a puncture or something like that, then you will also need a can of tire sealant handy.

Update 2: It’s not shown in the photo above, but since I permanently keep one of these babies in each of my cars, I went ahead and used a permanent marker to place an arrow on the gauge telling me the air pressure of that car’s tires.  This saves me the time and trouble of having to figure that out late at night in the dark while possibly also being eaten by mosquitoes.

Safety tip: Nail gun accident!

Power nail guns are quite dangerous, and even though they have a pretty good safety trigger, they are not accident-proof. One of the many ways you can get shot with a nail gun is for the gun to be too close to the edge of the board that is triggering it and for the nail to miss the board completely.

Over the holidays, someone that I personally know (whom I’m not going to identify, because they’re embarrassed enough as it is) accidentally shot a 10d nail into their arm near the wrist. The nail hit the bone and it actually bent the nail a little bit. Thankfully, the bone was not chipped or hurt in any way and this person made a quick recovery with only a slight bruising of their pride.

Nail in arm.
Photo of nail lodged in arm.
This photo was taken by a cell phone camera
on the way to the emergency room.

X-Ray of nail in arm. X-Ray of nail in arm.
Photos of x-rays from hospital.
No bone damage was found.
So please be careful with power nailers. A good safety precaution is to never put any part of your body anywhere near inline with the shooting path of a nail gun. Not even if there’s construction lumber in between!

Safety tip: Never touch fallen power lines!

The following is completely true and actually happened to me on Wed March 29, 2006. I posted the following on a private web forum that day, and thought it important enough to also share with “the masses”:

Something that I won’t forget any time soon happened in front of me on my way to work today, and I thought it would make for a valuable safety tip.

As I was approaching a stop light this morning, one of those city yard waste trucks (you know, the ones with those hydraulic booms with the bucket on the end) was moving through the intersection towards me with its boom in the “up” position. Before I could completely realize what was happening, the extended boom had knocked down some power lines (causing some scary looking fireworks up high on the streetlight pole) and had also knocked the streetlight down from it’s pole. (see attached photo taken after all the excitement was over)


I was just arriving at the intersection when this accident happened in front of me. I started flashing my lights and honking my horn (as if the two guys in the city truck didn’t see and hear the world crashing down around them). Two bundles of lines had fallen from the power poles. One was laying on the ground in front of the city truck and the other was laying directly across the city truck’s bed. I pulled off the road and rolled down my window because the guys in the truck had opened both of their doors and I was afraid that they were going to get out of the truck. I yelled repeatedly at them from across the intersection that there were “live wires” on their truck. To my horror, both men jumped out of the truck and the driver actually grabbed the bundle that was laying across the bed of his truck and flung it off the back of the truck to the ground. I was still screaming at him that there were “live wires”.  I was kinda freaked out.  Either this guy is actually Superman, or the lines laying across the truck were not actually live (anymore). The latter was actually true. But why in the world would anyone feel the need to risk being electrocuted? I’m fairly certain that the safe thing to do if you have downed power lines on your vehicle is to stay inside and wait for help. The rubber tires on your vehicle will likely insulate you from being shocked until a breaker can be opened to insure that it is completely safe to get out of the vehicle. Edit: Turns out that the rubber tires on your vehicle actually do conduct electricity, but that’s okay, because then the electricity takes the least resistive path to ground through the tires.  Either way, it is still safer to stay inside the cab than to get out.

P.S. Also, if you come upon an intersection that has lost power and the streetlights are not working, you are supposed to treat the intersection like a 4-way stop. People were continuously zooming through the intersection after this accident at full speed (45 mph), until the fire trucks and police arrived.